Massage Theory

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Where Health and Hydration Meet: The Importance of Post-Massage Water Intake

It’s relatively common advice to be told to drink water as part of your post-massage care regimen. Whether you’re hearing it from a friend prior to your first appointment or from your massage therapist as you lay down on the table for your hundredth appointment, the advice seems to always remain the same: go home and drink plenty of water.

And while some people are more inclined to simply take the advice at face value — “they told me to, so I guess I will” — sometimes others just want to know why. So, let us shed some light on the reasons that you should be grabbing that water bottle once you remove yourself from the table:

Cleansing Toxins

When you get a massage, your therapist is gently kneading out all of the toxins and opening up the circulatory system in your body. When you have tight muscles, everything constricts, making it more difficult for your body to flush those metabolic toxins out on its own. But massage clears those pathways back up and leads them toward the kidney for cleansing. By drinking plenty of water post-massage, you’re helping your body keep that process speedy and efficient. This is also why many patients need to pee after their appointment has ended.

Reducing Soreness

Lactic acid is a natural bodily fluid that builds up in your muscles as you become tense and stiff. Massages, then, don’t only flush out toxins — they also serve the purpose of breaking up the lactic acid, which is metabolized in the body after exercise and can lead to general post-massage soreness. Thus, drinking water also speeds the rate at which the lactic acid goes through the circulatory process, generally reducing the duration and intensity of your soreness.

Back to Basics

One of the best reasons to drink water is one of the most simple: it’s just plain good for you. Most people seek out massage as a means of boosting their general wellness, which means they’re likely seeking out other ways to get a well-rounded kick to their immune system, too. And what better way is there to achieve that than with water? After all, it goes without saying that keeping hydrated will only aid in any health endeavor you may be embarking on … post-massage or not.

Are you ready to experience this form of physical cleansing for yourself? Then contact Massage Theory today to schedule an appointment! Not only do we have a variety of services guaranteed to optimize your daily health and mood, but we’re your local experts in bringing simplicity back to relaxation.